Hello, and thank you for visiting this blog. This is undoubtedly your first visit since this is my first post. I will try to make it as enjoyable for you as possible. I believe that a bloggess (a female blogger, a term I have coined and will copyright in the near future as soon as I figure out how to copyright things unless someone informs me other people have been using this term since the invention of blogging roughly 5-10 years ago) should let her readers know exactly what they are getting themselves into and also inform them of some really intimate matters that should really be reserved for mothers, doctors and good friends who are also doctors or at least have been to a hospital at least once in their lifetimes and therefore can help decide whether or not that sore is, in fact, herpes (update: it’s not!). This first paragraph probably has you so riveted that you cannot wait to move on to the next.
Welcome to the second paragraph! If you’ve made it this far you’re probably hoping I’ll get to the good stuff about my juicy Sex and the City esque life. Unfortunately I am here to tell you that my life is not very thrilling. I’m Charlotte if Charlotte were watered down and didn’t have friends in order to push her past her stuck up limits. Sorry to disappoint. I can probably direct you to a few locations that will let you live vicariously through some pretty heavy stuff, but I don’t really have the means of opening a new Google tab because mine are all full of important things like “dinosaurs really coming back through Jurassic Park means” and “whatever happened to Six from Blossom.” This is the type of information you will be receiving from this blog. Also, I will be reviewing YA literature. Why will I be doing this? Well here is the first fact about me: I am a teen librarian. This makes you want to keep reading doesn’t it?
So here we are, at paragraph three and you’re foaming at the mouth because I have the most awesome profession ever. I’m not going to brag about being a librarian (because I am, at current, unemployed and not technically a librarian since I do not graduate for a few more months) but I will list some awesome facts about myself that you will never hear about again because this isn’t a blog about my super adventurous life. After this list I will tell you what this blog really is all about.
Things I tell people I hate but secretly love:
Christmas music (especially if it is a CD released by a boy band circa 2000)
Commercials (I am an advertisers dream come true)
Country music (Reba!)
The Hallmark Channel (there are some really good movies and episodes of Golden Girls)
Good Will (the store, not Hunting)
Things I tell people I love and should be ashamed of but really aren’t
After school special type movies
Sweet Valley High
ABC Family
Britney Spears
All boy bands ever
I still go to Hanson concerts
Really bad movies on the SciFy (is that what they call it these days?) channel where some sort of animal and another animal that may or may not be real fight
The movie She’s the Man
Gossip Girl (the show, not books- because that makes it so much better)
I know, those are really awesome lists. And here is the moment you’ve been waiting for, a list of what this blog will be all about:
My love of boy bands
My love of all things late 90’s and early 00’s
Teen lit book reviews
Commercials I love
Movies I love from long ago
Movies I love from not so long ago and in the future
TV shows I love
Why Titanic is still the best movie ever made and you can’t convince me otherwise
Why I hate reality TV
Sharks and to a lesser extent, Shark Week
Reasons why George Lucas should have to forfeit his rights to Star Wars
My love of Harrison Ford
My love of headbands
Reasons why Gwenyth Paltrow is better than everyone
My love/hate relationship with cell phones
Original Nintendo
The movie The Wizard which stars Fred Savage on a quest to get to a convention unveiling Super Mario Bros. 3
Daytime talk shows of the 90’s
A discussion as to why you shouldn’t be looking up to Marilyn Monroe as a role model
I will write about other things that strike my fancy (such as the song, Fancy, by Reba McIntire) but here are a list of things that will not be on this blog:
The economy
The presidential campaign
A discussion on how to cure global warming
The cure of cancer and/or AIDS
The answers to your math exam
The answer to who shot JR
The answer to who killed Laura Palmer (this might be, so watch Twin Peaks so you aren’t spoiled twenty years later)
The Truth that agents Mulder and Scully were seeking
The answer to what Meatloaf would not do for love
The answer to who framed Roger Rabbit
A PETA campaign (I love meat)
Cooking lessons
So there you have it, all the awesome stuff you can (and cannot) expect from this soon to be award winning blog. If you made it this long, congratulations, we are 70% on our way to being best friends! I say 70 because I don’t care about you enough for this to be a 50/50 partnership. I have someone for that. She pays my rent for me. Go visit her blog here she has a boyfriend and travels and participates in actual life activities. If you’re lucky she will post about that math exam you didn’t study for.
I don't just like this. I love it! I can't wait to see what you write about the 90's.