*Technical note: I had some internet issues but after telling AT&T that they can either fix my shit or give me my money back they fixed my shit. Everything should be going well now. Hopefully. Because I do have school work to do. Anyway, back to good stuff...
I don't like Marilyn Monroe. This will probably alienate some of you but I believe I'm going to make a great argument for it. First of all, she was not a good actress.
Some Like it Hot was good because of Tony Curtis and in spite of her being in it.
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes was just a great production. This also brings me to my next point, which is her little girl baby voice. Apparently she never got past the age of ten because her voice is even more high pitched and girlie annoying than my six year old nieces. Her singing voice was as good as any actresses in a movie, although Baz Lurhman's version of "Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend" with Nicole Kidman was better, but that has other contributing factors. Anway...
She was stupid. Every year (for reasons that are baffling to me and make me angry),
Vanity Fair publishes passages from her "secret" diaries. And every time there are really really really simple words misspelled. This girl could probably barely spell her own name. She was sad, depressed and lonely. And while I feel bad for here there are millions of people who suffer this same thing everyday and they're aren't hailed as some champions of society. Also, newflash, she wasn't a size 12- she was actually a size 6 or 8, and by Hollywood standards nowadays she might as well been a size 26 but for when she was famous, being a 6 was actually the norm. They weren't all anorexic yet, the only people who were really like that were models. It wasn't until the 1990's when the modeling world and the acting world blended that it became imperative for women in Hollywood to be very very skinny. She had a very nice body, but it wasn't a "bigger" body and she just defied the laws of stardom and became famous anyway. She actually looked like many of the other actresses at the time. I don't really know where these rumors came from, but people need to stop believing them.
She was a slut. She really really was. I don't care if the President was the only one she was sleeping around with. It doesn't matter. It's not like he was some random off the street and she didn't know he was married. She knew, she didn't care, and she slept around with him anyway. Everyone already knows the Kennedy's are pretty sleezy, but somehow she gets to be cool and viewed as this awesome person who was just giving the man what his prude wife wouldn't. If this is something you believe, congratulations, you will probably sleep with a married man or woman and justify it by saying if they were happy they wouldn't be sleeping around.
She was not a figure of feminism. She wasn't trying to help the cause for women. She wasn't making any statements about body image or confidence or trying to be your own person. She was like a high schooler the way she fell in love. She was very insecure and relied off of the compliments of others to make her feel good and she wanted nothing more than to lead a normal life and be a housewife. Instead she was so sad and drug addicted that she killed herself. Which is sad. But nothing to be worshipped.